The Order today is the result of many decades of dedicated Templar work, in a very long thread of transmission from Master to Disciple.
The Order works within the framework of Traditional Chivalry, with a Templar inspiration. This work is organized under national Priories, under the authority and legitimacy of an International Magisterial Council. The Priories in each country are autonomous, lead by an elected Prior and represent the authority of the Order for that territory and its members. The Magisterial Council is a body that is elected periodically to advise the Master, composed of the best and most knowledgeable Knights and Dames from all over the world. To be able to be elected for a position in the Council, members had to have lead the Order in a territory as Priors.
A Priory represents the authority of the Order nationally. All members of the Order in a given country have to be members of a Priory. The Priory is lead by the Prior and it’s Priory Council, composed of the Order’s Officers for that country or region. Typically they include a national Chancellor, Preceptor, Visitor General, Treasurer, Chaplain, etc. Each Priory is composed of local structures, usually attached to a city or location, that provide the means for the members to meet and work. These are the Commandries, with a Commander and a certain number of members. Instruction, research and all community work is undertaken within the several Commnadries, that meet once every month, or six times per year.
As members of the Order all Knights and Dames may take part in a large number of tasks. Organizing and keeping Commandries operational is a challenge for everyone. Those so inclined may become members of the Templar Akademy, taking care of training, research and publishing activities. Others may feel more inclined to join charity work. Others may be inclined to follow the Church teaching and liturgical training in view of receiving Orders of Clergy. There are classes that deal with Art, with History, with Philosophy and Science. Some Commandries are very active, some are more introspective. Some take care of Templar heritage patrimony in their region of action, others prepare conferences and exhibitions to show that heritage to the world.
Life in the Order may be rough, sometimes it may be tiring and demand a lot of dedication and commitment. But it’s always rewarding.