
Close Cooperation


Our branch of the Order is currently cooperating extensively with the OSMTJ under the leadership of Fr+ Nicolas Haimovici Hastier, Regent. Exciting new joint projects will be announced in the next few months.

Commandry of  Armenia – Commander General Taron Abrahamyan

Commandry of Bulgaria – Commander Kaloyan Statkov, Sofia, Bulgaria

Commandry of Costa Rica – Commander Agnes Martínez

Grand Priory of Croatia – Grand Prior Robert Erent

Commandry of the Czech Republic – Commander Josef Fedorko

Commandry of Germany  – Commander: Thomas Kohwagner

Grand Priory of Greece

Grand Priory of Hungary – Grand Prior: Tibor Urban

Commandry of Indonesia – Commander Franz Zinger

Grand Priory of Latvia – Grand Prior  Vladimirs Kovalevskis

Commandry of the Nederlands  – Commander Eugène Clignett-Diaz

Commandry of Slovenia – Commander Rajko Kreft

Grand Priory of Spain – Grand Prior Dr. Juan Antonio Cabezos Martínez

Grand Priory of Tasmania – Grand Prior Joseph Jakob

Commandry of Venezuala  – Commander Fr. Giovanni Luisio Mass


Our branch of the Order is currently cooperating with the following other Templar groups

Grand Priory of Servia – OSMTH – Regency – Grand Prior Nenad Davidovic

Priory of Toledo – OSMTH – Regency – Prior Francisco Miguel Caballero